Invite Traker Plugin
This plugin allows you to track invites of users.
- Name
/invites [user]
- Description
Shows the invites of the user.
- Name
/inviter <user>
- Description
Shows the inviter of the user.
- Name
/invite add-bonus <user> <amount>
- Description
Adds bonus invites to the user.
- Name
/invite remove-bonus <user> <amount>
- Description
Removes bonus invites from the user.
- Name
/invite set-bonus <user> <amount>
- Description
Sets the bonus invites of the user.
- Name
/leaderboard invites
- Description
Shows the invites leaderboard.
- Name
- Description
The inviter of the user.
- Name
- Description
The amount of invites the user has.
- Name
- Description
The amount of regular invites the user has.
- Name
- Description
The amount of bonus invites the user has.
- Name
- Description
The amount of left invites the user has.
- Name
- Description
The amount of fake invites the user has.